Does Your Career In The Public Eye Require You To Look Your Best? 3 Things To Know About Hair Transplants

When your career requires you to look your best, coping with hair loss is challenging. Unfortunately, there often comes a point where even careful hairstyling no longer covers up areas on your scalp that are the most affected by your hair loss. The good news is that a hair transplant is an option that can help fill in bare areas so that you enjoy the benefits of having a naturally more youthful appearance. You can use this information to learn more about what to expect during and after your procedure so that you get the most out of this treatment.

There Are Two Main Types of Procedures

A hair transplant procedure is typically performed using your own hair. However, there are two main techniques that your surgeon may choose from to perform the procedure. If you opt for follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS), then your surgeon will remove a strip of skin from the back of your head and divide it up into small grafts that are then placed in the area to be covered. With the follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure, the hair follicles are removed one by one before the transfer. Keep in mind that your surgeon weighs factors such as your hair type and the size of the area that requires a transplant to decide which procedure is best.

Plan For a Brief Recovery Period

Once the grafts are prepared, both types of procedures can take anywhere from four to eight hours. During this time, you will likely be given a sedative that keeps you calm and comfortable during the procedure. For this reason, you may need to arrange for someone to drive you home afterward. Once you go home, you will likely need to wear a bandage on the area for a day or two. While most people are able to return to work within a few days after the procedure, you may need to arrange for more time off if you have high aesthetic concerns.

You Can Expect Some Hair Loss Afterward

Natural hair goes through growth cycles, and any type of shock to the body can disrupt this process. When your hair is transplanted, the follicles undergo tremendous stress that leads to some hair loss within a few weeks after the procedure. Knowing that this is normal allows you to relax as you wait for the hair to regrow.

While looks may not be everything, you know that your appearance affects your confidence as well as how other people perceive you. Now that you know what to expect with a hair transplant, you can move forward with restoring your appearance as you continue to build your career.  
